Sales & Marketing with Operational Management Solutions
At One-World Hospitality we have many years of experience in providing expert input to support other hospitality and tourism related cases. We have worked with City Planning Consultants, Solicitors, Chartered Accountants and Surveyors on cases such as valuations, rental amounts, negligence and other forms of commercial disputes. In the planning area, we give early input in to scheme development based on market evidence and to provide a solid business case to accompany an initial application in order to maximize chances of profitability.
We create commercially-sound marketing plans, often working with partners in relevant creative fields. We’re fortunate: our Partners forged their marketing metal in a broadcast/analogue era – learning the fundamentals of strategic marketing: planning, research and insights; segmentation; marketing mix; value propositions, etc – but we’re young, curious and adaptable enough to transcend into the media-fragmentation/social & digital era : so, we understand the need to create and amplify engaging content, integrate an increasing number of channels, listen furiously to users and respond at break-neck pace. Part art, part science, we deliver pragmatic, commercial, ‘sticky’ marketing programmes.